miércoles, mayo 19, 2004


KIDDofSPEED - GHOST TOWN - Chernobyl Pictures - Kidofspeed - Elena - that's the title of a page I found on a different blog, accidentally browsing by. This was a few months ago and I actually was looking for the Virtual Dog Shit Creator (that's an entirely different story - but I have announced 'contrasts' so here you go). The site (Elena's) had been featured on slashdot before I found it - probably that's why I found it at all - and several media picked up the story afterwards. By then there already had evolved something like secondary literature on the net. For instance there was a discussion on sport-touring.net (cannot find it anymore) where she took part. Why am I talking about all this? Because it was a moving moment for me. I was touched by he seemingly superficial tone this young, Russian, and motor-bike obsessed woman was reporting from the disaster area of Chernobyl. And it put me in a conflict: shall I believe this? Is she who she claims to be, are the things she reports true? Is the 'Elena' in the sport-touring.net discussion the 'Elena' from the site? And I must admit this conflict did not last for long. It was all so consistent and every sentence from her bears an unmistakable imprint of her personality and her linguistic background. And then I thought: The one who would go such lengths for manipulating me, is worth being believed anyway. And that brings me to the point to consider such statements as: 'There is no un-manipulated reality'. So what is reality then, really? Just a concept which is more or less meaningful, depending on the circumstances? When I read her story it really moves me and when I burn my hand on a flame it really hurts. So that is real enough for me. But what if I was to go to Chernobyl on a motorbike, using her radiation map asf.? Will I find what I expect? To some degree, I guess. Back to square one. I have talked a lot in an almost philosophical way but the shoelace is still open.