dada'ist spam poetry: slain badger is infancy vocation
Got this one in te mail today. In order to get through the filter it makes use of a 'text' made up form words which are unlikely to be in a spam. After a little reformatting the result sounds like a dada'ist poem to me:
contaminate pavement kaput.
Interior Department, lick,.
precede is menorah
gooey is well-known in ode of foot
the in replaceable
squarely, as heavy metal.
the to impertinent suddenness,
and shallowness,
sellout gang dishonor,
napkin.: with banish,
a breakfast, discord complacency triplicate perseverance
the pitcher excavation, to and
slain badger
is infancy vocation
a autoworker,
compartment restoration,
pilfer with pragmatist
as fretful hopelessness and affection
was fait accompli puritanical,
as left-hand chronological subliminal
the compliant irrigation
convert menopause.
bedside bisexual
in psychic to tiger
deed but saint.
poison ivy
liking the wan
dreamt fictitious
of triplicate pleated bebop
scolding the excessively,.
belie sailor?
coat mike?!
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