martes, agosto 31, 2004

Salad Fingers

Just had to share this with you (a flash cartoon): Salad Fingers, and if the insane is what you like you may also enjoy the Happy Tree Friends.... Urgh!

Lately i discovered that newgrounds has put an ad on top of the site which I cannot close nor move. Luckily you can watch the four existing episodes also in other places: 1, 2, 3, and 4. And then there is something which I would like to dub the "US-remake": Banana Fingers Episodes 1 and 2. It seems my brain can hurt in different places

random pick

Shirley's Room is a blog (it looks like a blog at least) I was led to by following this 'pictures of the day'-gadget. I am writing about it because it leaves me completely lost. I cannot even tell which language this is. I can only guess (from the appearance of a that there might be a connection to Taiwan. I like the experience of looking at that page. The message I get out of it is: whoever is bored in their lifes cannot blame the world for it.

lunes, agosto 30, 2004

more statistics: SPAM

Originally uploaded by s_hare.
You may think I'm nuts. That's fine with me. But you should know that I did not count my mails by hand, and seeing the result I think it was worth writing that little script which made this plot. So what we see here is the total amount of mail received by the author in the month of August, and the red part gives the amount of SPAM-mail contained in this - SPAM-mail which was successfully filtered out, which I never had to look at. There is still a fraction going through the filters, about two to ten daily, but they are marked as doubtful. I am shocked by the amount of SPAM and what a large fraction it has. If this was my mailbox at home, I'd be furious.

The technical bit: I use procmail on the mailserver, send the mail through SpamAssassin, and then through bogofilter. It is set up in such a way that bogofilter learns from SpamAssassin. Moreover, when it is in doubt, it gets feedback from me. The goodlist has 7.4 MB and the spamlist 4.3 MB. This setup has saved me from seeing 3.3 MB of SPAM in August. Not a single mail was lost through false alarm. I keep my fingers crossed.

miércoles, agosto 25, 2004

through other people's eyes

The picture host I've switched to offers this little toy, which keeps displaying a random choice of the recently uploaded photos:

[Sometimes JavaScript does not work in the posts, so you're lucky if you see the widget.]

not bored but intrigued

Originally uploaded by s_hare.
Here's the bargraph which was missing in the last post. You see the number of pages found by google and by altavista depending on the number of 'o's in the search phrase "sooo bored". I had to plot this in log scale, so a difference in the height of the bars by only one line means that the higher one is ten times the lower one.

I can understand that when writing more than one 'o' you do not stop with two, but why do people avoid six 'o's, except for when they are spidered by altavista?
Also ratio between the number of pages found by the two engines gets smaller for seven and more. Could it be that google boosts such pages?

"so bored"

"so bored": 102,000 hits from google and 11,700,000 from altavista. Strange that the difference is so huge. And then:
"soo bored"
google : 2,630
altavista 19,100
"sooo bored":
google 3,700
altavista 21,400
"soooo bored":
google 2,420
altavista 15,300
"sooooo bored":
google 1,580
altavista 18,000
"soooooo bored":
google 612
altavista 12,500
"sooooooo bored":
google 2,590
altavista 3790
"soooooooo bored":
google 1,210
altavista 1950
Well, these are strange figures. There is a significant drop for six 'o's with google, and altavista seems to spider more sites of bored people. I wonder how they do it. Any idea?

martes, agosto 24, 2004

talking 'bout revolution

Los referrers me dicen que había un visitante desde una otra página: talking 'bout revolution. Me imagino que eso es la culpa de la nueva titlebar que han puesto para los usuarios de blogger en lado de los anuncios. Como la gente (hasta ahora) no dejan comentarios, no sé qué se han leido. Al próximo que venga: deje su marca!

viernes, agosto 20, 2004

Mütter und Töchter

Surrkop lucy schreibt über die böse Mutter-Verschwörung. Eltern sind schon was komisches. Da denkt man lange: bloß nicht so werden wie die, und je älter man wird, desto mehr stellt man fest, wie sehr man ihnen ähnelt. Für mich zunächst gruselig, später aber etwas, was ich versöhnlich sehen kann. Meißtens ist man dann ja doch froh zu existieren, und daß da Leute waren, die sich die ganze Mühe mit einem gemacht haben. Ich klinge schon wie das supatopcheckerbunny und werde wohl nie ein impulsives, spitzzüngiges Lästermaul. Ob man wohl das englische 'rant' mit 'Lästerrausch' übersetzen kann?

jueves, agosto 05, 2004

at the speed of rain

Rather than dumping my thoughts here (in order not to bother my friends with permanent odd outbursts) I keep checking the referrers and see what brought people here. The last (of still very, very few) came from google and was a search for goutes - drops. So I thought I might tell you about the internal pressure of droplets which increases with decreasing radius. The reason is that the drop surface is like a skin of water which tries to contract. If the drop is comparably big the resulting forces are like in a plane and have only a small component towards the centre. Small drops in contrast have a stronger curvature of that skin and the resulting forces towards the centre are stronger. They can be that strong that very small drops cannot form because the pressure inside would evaporate them right away. This is why air can be supersaturated with water vapour and no mist forms. Why does it rain then anyway? - Because the air is dirty! The very first and smallest droplets in a newborn cloud form around condensation nuclei which can be any small particle in the air. So the drop forms around that and thus skips the phase of a mini-baby-drop bound to evaporate. And what happens next? You can read that here and do a comparative study between primary science literature (there) and somebody actually explaining things to you (my attempt here).
And - if I want more rain, can't I just make the air dirtier, you may ask? It has been tried, and you can read more about that here. It has been done to an extend that people start worrying about potential environmental implications resulting from the substances used for this cloud seeding. Let alone the political implications of tampering with the weather, possibly somebody else's. Political? Well, yes, in a Clausewitz sense ("War is the continuation of politics by other means").