jueves, junio 24, 2004

Dear reader,

be informed that you do not exist. At least in the last couple of days this place was a digital desert. Never mind. Presently I would not link or bookmark this myself. There are zillions of 'blogs' out there, properly dedicated to a topic by authors with some writing skills or expertise. I think I am more a fisherman than an exhibitionist. So I stay short and slightly cryptic, checking the response rather than displaying myself. This might change though, so stay tuned, ha-ha.
Yes, I could try to get listed in one of the blog-directories, but what category would that be? So I trust in google, people setting links, and bookmarks to come to my rescue. Good night!

martes, junio 22, 2004

today's motto

Samuel Becket is creeping into my head: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail Again. Fail better." In order to experience some success, I suggest folding the 2CD case which I found posted on Metafilter:

jueves, junio 17, 2004

Killer Coke

Killer Coke - just a click away. I found it on the blog of Chris Vincent who happens to use the same service for site statistics as this one. Anyhow, back to Killer Coke: basically (beside getting active, donating, petitioning) you can learn from that page once again that there is a civil war raging in Colombia which is perpetuated because of commercial interests. My impression is that most people from that country are very tired of the topic and try to steer clear of it, but there is good information on Znet's Zmag.
Yes, that's how I seem to be writing these days: if I do not have a story to tell, I link something political. Make good use of the multiplier roll. But stop! Multiplier? With one reader on daily average? Ah, details...!

miércoles, junio 16, 2004

london arms fair

DSEI (=Defence Systems & Equipment International) will be held again from Sept. 13 - 16 of 2005 at the Docklands in London (ExCeL - getting there). No false shame, go ahead and look at the list of exhibitors. Still happy with all your business partners or employers?
Before I forget it: you may be interested in knowing which representatives from your country will be at the IDEX (=International Defence Exhibition & Conference), about the upcoming events from AUSA (=Association of the United States Army), that you just missed the DSA (=Defence Services Asia), but here's who attended anyway, that there is not yet much public information on the LIMA (Langkawi International Aerospace Exhibition), and that it may be time to plan for the defendory in Athens. For a better overview go to Army Recognition.
One more thing: Do not forget to have a nice day!

lunes, junio 14, 2004

Google 搜尋

Was checking referrers today and found that this site was finally indexed by google. That means that there will be readers (which there had not really been before). Have a (virtual) glass of champagne with me - the times of scribbling things down for nobody are over! First reader with a google-referrer was looking for FNAC through google.com.tw. Hm. Maybe he was not happy with what he found here. I should remember setting links to the original site whenever I use unusual keywords.

jueves, junio 10, 2004

Emmanuel Bove

The raging Frenchman seems a little nuts to me, but I guess that is a compliment in his terms. On the page is an article about him. Digging a little you find a yahoo-group which is designed to hold 888 members. Any additional member kicks out an old member by random choice. Nice idea.
And while I am writing this, he redesigns some of his sites, actually a small jungle for exploration, and it took me until now to find THTHe starting point.
What seems interesting is the link to 'Emmanuel Bove le site officiel, par Jean-Luc Bitton', I never heard about that person before. A chapter from his writing is there translated into English (Sartre appears as 'advisory editor' there, and Becket is the translator). In the research diary of the site owner you find that on his request for assistance Becket claimed not to know Emmanuel Bove. Sounds sad, whatever it means: age, or Dada, or something else.
In his writing you find the line (my transl.):
To preserve what one owns, one has to begin by appearing not afraid of losing it.

miércoles, junio 09, 2004

raging frenchmen

It seems Dada is alive - in France: http://casseurs2hype.fr.fm
The 'hunters of the hype' tell us (my translation):
"There will really always be a destrucitve job, a negative one, to do. Chase. Destroy. No more hype, no more artists, designers, no more dj's, no more selecters, no more concept-stores, no more shops, no more magazines, no more radios, no more TV, no more bitches, no more dandies, no more art, no more galeries, no more FNAC [=Fonds National d'Art Contemporain=national fund of contemporary art], no more DRAC [=Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles=regional office for cultural affairs], no more FRAC [=Fonds Régional d'Art Contemporain=regional fund for contemporary art], no more CRACK [I'm lost], no more politics, no more little ailments, no more addicts, no more sods, no more ads, no more writers, no more cinema, no more porn, no more logos, no more "no logo", and finally even no more Casseurs2couilles [chasers of testicles], nor internet, enough of all these stupidities. No more... NADA. NOBODY after DADA. / "Dada... that's just shit anyway." ARTHUR CRAVAN"
Weird stuff to browse through. I'll go back and pick some for you.


Du sollst den Tag nicht vor dem Abend tadeln.

martes, junio 08, 2004


On 2balles you can find
[...], vous savez que les zombies au soleil sont comme les lundis au soleil [...]
Which I translate to: 'you know that zombies in the sun are like Sundays in the sun'. Great relief, and a good thing to remember next Sunday.
And just in case your Sunday does not happen to be sunny, take a look at tonk.org.

23 raisons de se suicider

artdegenere.free.fr behauptet von sich:
the weirdest fuckin shit net art web site you could find on the fucking slut web
Für meinen Geschmack ein bischen wüst, aber ein Bild besitzt große Überzeugungskraft (23 Gründe sich umzubringen - lesson 1): Merke: Kleinkind sein ist kein Spaß.

viernes, junio 04, 2004

bento moblog

En cours de ma découverte du monde du blogging je trouve qu'il y a du tout, du plus pratique (core: Curves with date as x-axis) au plus sensuel (bento moblog). J n'ai jamais su que j'ai le désir secret d'une mère japonaise...

jueves, junio 03, 2004

in love with nobody

Ob's die Sonne oder die Hornomone sind? Oder Mr. J. Tenor mit seinem Song 'Beyond the Stars'? Oder gar der Mittagscappuccino außer der Reihe? Kann mir eigentlich egal sein.
Zum Thema Realität gibt es Neuigkeiten:
Meine Nachbarin erzählte mir gestern, daß sie, über die Welt verstreut, an Kursen einer Schule teilnimmt, die von jemandem geleitet wird, der vor 35.000 Jahren gelebt hat. Das ganze funktioniert per Medium, wobei die Frau (J. Z. Knight), die ihn dann verkörpern muß, wohl ziemlich geschlaucht ist von der Aufgabe. Gelehrt wird dann so Eso-Zeugs mit einer Prise Quantenphysik und einer Spatelspitze von allem anderen.
Was mir dabei nicht klar geworden ist: Was will der Mann? Und wieso bleibt ein Geistwesen seiner damaligen Manifestation so treu? Man kann ja annehmen, daß es für so jemanden ein Leichtes sein sollte in einer neuen Hülle hier am Leben teilzunehmen. Aber nein, es muß per Medium sein. Nur nicht die Finger schmutzig machen, wieder um einen eigenen Körper kümmern, eine Verdauung haben, kurz: weltlichen Ablenkungen unterworfen sein. Verstehe. Und was bringt's? Rettung der Welt, Schaffung eines neuen Bewußtseins? Vorbereitung einer neuen eigenen Herrschaft? Oder...? Auf jeden Fall sind die Kurse wohl ziemlich teuer, da hätte man sich doch eine schönere Geschichte einfallen lassen können, eine, die nicht so viele Skeptiker auf den Plan ruft.
35.000 Jahre - das Netz behauptet, da wäre der Neandertaler verschwunden und der Cro-Magnon Mensch hätte sich durchgesetzt. Alter, mit wem haben wir's da bloß zu tun! Immerhin spricht er ganz annehmbares Englisch:
"So what are the teachings of the Great Work that you have come to listen to? They are not about the occult work and indeed they are not about New Age. The message I give you is the foundation of the earth, the cosmos. That is not new at all. The message I am telling you is this: that if you be God — and indeed you are, philosophically speaking, that is — that should be an enticement to experience that nearer to that principle." -Ramtha
Alles klar, ich trinke auch gerne mal ein kühles Bier und werde meine Nachbarin weiterhin grüßen.