lunes, octubre 17, 2005


Some people really worked hard and shuffled pixels, only to let us know that mario can come in all flavors and still be very much himslelf. Go visit their page!

viernes, octubre 14, 2005

I wonder

Yes, finally I do. Since it cannot be the SPAM-filters again (they had their go), it must be something else. I just refuse to belive that I stepped your toes (again?!). Unfortunately the only other explanation is that you have negligently mishandled a black hole coming your way somewhere in the wild north-western territories of G* in the case of which there is no point in carrying this message any further.


martes, octubre 11, 2005

"Miss Germany - Merkel wird erste Bundeskanzlerin"
"Ist sie die neue Sissi?"

Titanic hat es immer schwerer gegen BILD anzutiteln. "Miss Germany" ist nicht mehr zu unterbieten, der Verweis auf "Sissi" kommt dagegen nachgerade bildungsbürgerlich daher. Auch stimmt an der Bezeichnung eigentlich gar nichts, außer vielleicht dem Geschlecht. Das erkennt man auch bei Titanic und stellt dem Titel ein bodenständigeres "wohl kaum" voran.
Einen subtilen Hauch der Frustration über diesen immer schwieriger ausfallenden Schwanzvergleich der Schlagzeilen atmet die aktuelle Ausgabe. Was tun, wenn BILD sich immer unverfrorenener und bewußter der Realsatire hingibt und die Absurdität nicht mehr zu steigern ist? Wenn die BILD-Redaktion beim Titeln Lachkrämpfe bekommt, während bei der Titanic nur der Tabak- und Kaffeekonsum steigt? Man wird sauer und sucht nach freigewordenen Nischen.

viernes, octubre 07, 2005

"Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'"

Water on the mills of many who were always sceptical about the beneits of church. Probably the conjunctions are a bit more complicated, but this level of contradiction seems new to me.
A quote from the original article in order to let us have a glimbse on the dimension of the discussion:
"[7] The media (Stepp) gave favorable coverage to a report that children are hardwired towards, and benefit from, accepting the existence of a divine creator on an epidemiological and neuro-scientific basis (Benson et al.). Also covered widely was a Federal report that the economic growth of nations positively responds to high rates of belief in hell and heaven.<3> Faith-based charities and education are promoted by the Bush administration<4> and religious allies and lobbies as effective means of addressing various social problems (Aronson; Goodstein). The conservative Family Research Council proclaims, “believing that God is the author of life, liberty and the family, FRC promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free and stable society.”
Due time to talk back, indeed. And the presented figures are remarkable.

news from the east

Slick tongue? Try this one:
"Statt Zwetschgen zu quetschen, quatschte er vom tschechischen Chipsatz." I am shure you can improve this.