lunes, mayo 23, 2005

Der Arsch

Als herausgefunden wurde, daß ich nicht nur schlechtes Benehmen habe, sondern mich auch über Blumen freue, hieß es:
Rosen, Tulpen, Linsen, bringen den Arsch zum Grinsen.
Das hat mir noch gefehlt.

viernes, mayo 20, 2005

Berlin to Ankara by car - would anybody do this?

The Scout Walker Kama Sutra

The Scout Walker Kama Sutra - Star Wars sexed up. With very empathic comments. Somebody really knows what she/he is talking about here.

jueves, mayo 19, 2005


z .B. Ohren. Schade nur, daß immer nur einzelne Worte assoziiert werden, und nicht Halbsätze oder Phrasen. Da bleiben dann doch nur die Suchmaschinen, leider oft mit magerem Ergebnis.

Learning Turkish pt. ii

Subtitle: H.'s Contributions to Cultural Integration
Densiz atın kuyruğu "deh" dedikçe sallanır, öksüz kızın çileği haftada bir kıllanır!
Could be about this page... Can you offer a good translation? It means as much as one thing does not fit to the other, bad taste, odd choice. Correct me if I'm wrong.


RE_INVIGORATE is coming back:
Registration for the closed beta test is now open! Randomly selected participants will be invited to beta test the new website analytics tracker.

miércoles, mayo 18, 2005

swimsuit issue

This is the song that is echoing in my mind since yesterday. Until now I never paid attention to the lyrics except for the line "dont' touch my breast" that is on heavy rotation in my brain for an unknown reason. There is no point in this. The good thing is that a simple web search helps me complete the echoing fragment an brings some relief.

memo to self

Assoziativer Nachhall:
Wenn ich sage: "Sollst ja nicht leben wie ein Programmierer!" hat das die Assoziationsintention: "Sollst ja nicht leben wie ein Hund!". Das erzeugt den Satz: "Programmierer leben wie Hunde." im assoziativen Nachhall, ohne daß ich das aussage. Der Scherz liegt für mich darin, daß die Interpretation, ob die Aussage des assoziativen Nachhalls von mir beabsichtigt war, ob ich das, oder das genaue Gegenteil oder gar nichts derartiges meine, komplett dem Zuhörer überlassen bleibt. Die Bemerkung ist an sich absurd. Zynismus, Albernheit, Kritik - all das entsteht erst in der Reaktion des Gegenübers. Schlimmstenfalls läuft es auf eine unverstandene Bemerkung hinaus, die für Irritation sorgt. Gehört wohl mehr zu den investigativen als zu den konstruktiven Interaktionen.

viernes, mayo 13, 2005

I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But my ma won't admit!

martes, mayo 10, 2005

visibly thinking chessboard

A visibly thinking chess board is my latest discovery on the net. I found it following a link from metafilter about the history of sampling which was in turn pointing to the programming language it was done in.

viernes, mayo 06, 2005


Immer wieder schön, wenn blogs lesen Spaß macht. Ja, auch hier wird dran gearbeitet, aber gefallen hat mir gerade Smarf. Und sonrisa, dessen link ich gefolgt war, hat auch ein buntes blog. Lustig, daß es mich gerade dahin verschlug, als ich heute nach Phrasen zum Thema "Du hast mir nie Blumen geschenkt!" googelte (ja, das ist jetzt wohl ein Verb). Ich war erst kürzlich auf anderen Pfaden dorthin geführt worden. Erkenntnis: auch Pralinen gehören verschenkt.

miércoles, mayo 04, 2005

trouble getting indexed

I switched off and back on the 'ping' and the 'add to our listings' option (publishing in between), and I hope things are going to improve now. At least my listing at technorati seemed changed temprarily, but now things are back to the former state. This make me think that my old page with the wrong spelling in the URL still is alive somewhere and keeps getting republished. Strange indeed.

martes, mayo 03, 2005

translation of the below

In the entry below I am quoting an article about Djian: "Following his habit, Djian has not changed a single semicolon of his novel." Ironic for somebody who does not use semicolons in his punctuation.

Connaisse ton auteur

Bienvenue sur L'Express Livres: «Comme à son habitude, Djian n'a pas changé un point-virgule de son roman» - c'est tellement ironique ou m'indique un changement de son style.

lunes, mayo 02, 2005

Extraits Zone Erogène

There's the quote, at least one related to the one I had in mind.
Extraits Zone Erogène: "C'est dur de me dire que j'aurai peut-être quarante ans quand on me lira dans les écoles et qu'un jeune gars écrira une thèse sur moi et ma haine du point virgule."
I translate this to: "It is hard when I tell myself that when I'll be maybe forty they will read me at school and that some young guy will write a thesis on me and my hatred for the semicolon."


Who calls himself "le bossu de la grammaire officielle, le borgne du subjonctif, le boiteux du point virgule"? I just read "zone érogène" where he claims the same thing. I wonder how this is translated in other languages. In the German issue it is "Würgeengel des Semikolons", which strikes me pathetic in an excellent way. English version, anybody?

public stats - watch yourself

"Can I take you to a restaurant
that's got glass tables?
You can watch yourself
while you are eating." [the beat]
I included a link to the stats of this page. So now anybody can see who is doing what here. Err - yes anybody's IP is now visible as well. But relax, I knew it anyway. In fact any web page you have been to anywhere would log it.

German Dialects presented via Real Audio - Mundart-Tonbeispiele

German Dialects presented via Real Audio takes you on an acoustical journey through German dialects. The text before the sound examples is just technical details about the conversions and compression applied. When you click on the names of the places you will hear a phrase meaning "You are not yet old enough to drink a bottle of wine on your own. You first have to grow and get older/taller." which is explained to be Standard Phrase #16 of dialoectologist Georg Wenker.
Funny name that. Reminds me of that car called pajero. Strange enough there is a Spanish version of that page even though they should know better. Maybe they mean it, after all it's a SUV.