viernes, septiembre 29, 2006

Good night everybody!

In Case I Disappear - sums up the implications of the new US-legislation:
What separates us is the idea, the simple idea, that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are our organizing principles. We can think as we please, speak as we please, write as we please, worship as we please, go where we please. We are protected from the kinds of tyranny that inspired our creation as a nation in the first place.
That was the idea. That was the dream. It may all be over now, but once upon a time, it existed. No good idea ever truly dies. The dream was here, and so was I, and so were you.

appears: absolute power

Antiterrorism Bill on Detainees, Geneva Conventions - Rushing Off a Cliff - New York Times - I guess this will make it a bit harder to export democracy. I wonder who is learning from who.

lunes, septiembre 18, 2006

Pride takes the better of me and so

I just have to quote myself and appeal to the world:
Let's get online with one another!
I spare you the context. Context is out of fashion anyway. But dare you try to trademark that!
(c) There!

lunes, septiembre 11, 2006

Hidden story of Lebanese prisoners held in Israeli jails

I was looking through a very comprehensive list of newspapers when I discovered the socialist worker. The trouble I have with alternative sources is, that in the end every piece of news looks like propaganda. The world is so much easier, if you stick to gouvernment press releases. But in this case the reasoning "we need to bomb Beirut in order to free those two soldiers" sounded threadbare form the very beginning. For some context read "Hidden story of Lebanese prisoners held in Israeli jails". And after reading this BBC report, I very much doubt they are having a good time. It is admittedly more than six years old and referring to events more than fourteen years ago. But what changes do you expect in the meantime? Here's the answer.

lunes, septiembre 04, 2006

Masturgate - aftermath pt. xxx

In the aftermath of the Masturgate affair many interesting things start to happen. One of them is reflected in a comment to her latest post:
"I shouldn't tell you which paper your name came up at in a recent editorial meeting I was sitting in. Journalism, the cause of the fall, wants you to join it..."
Could that be the one paper which destroyed her anonymity, I wonder? Welcome to showbusiness.

viernes, septiembre 01, 2006

Legal trouble with your blog?

I came across this when a google search told me that one search result was suppressed due to illegal content. As an explanation a link to Chilling Effects Clearinghouse was given, which led me to the documentation of a gouvernment cease and desist notice to google to take that site out of their catalogue. So if you receive orders to take content off your site, it may be of interest to get your case published here, see it in the context of other orders, and maybe even get some legal hints (though individual advice is not provided). Coming from a different angle you also might want to browse their database to get an idea what kinds of internet contents are being suppressed by such orders.