Loose thoughts, associations, contrasts - une fenêtre personelle au monde anonyme - y lo que encuentro en la red
jueves, junio 29, 2006
Wo ist Krass?
Der liebe Scholli, Herr Gesangsverein und der alte Schwede sitzen mal wieder an der Bar und trinken. Irgendwann taucht auch Herr Bild, der Buch, auf, wie jeden Nachmittag. Und wie jeden Nachmittag sagt Scholli, als Bild reinkommt: "das Buch!". Und Herr Gesangsverein rollt mit den Augen und murmelt irgendwas davon, daß Scholli Herrn Bild in Ruhe lassen soll, was solle er denn sagen, Singular und Plural im eigenen Namen implizit vemuddelt, da sei doch das Geschlecht nebensächlich, was wiederum den alten Schweden veranlasst eine Zote zu reißen. Herr Bild, der Buch, kennt das alles in- und auswendig und hat sich schon was zu trinken bestellt. Was trockenes, starkes, klares, bloß nichts buntes, süßes und klebriges. Das kennt er zu Genüge, genau wie die Sprüche seiner Kollegen. Viel mehr passiert nicht an diesem Nachmittag. Alle saufen sich ziemlich zu, und man hört sie rufen: "Wie im Bilderbuch, alter Schwede!" und abwechelnd: "Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein" und "Mein lieber Scholli!". Darum will ich auch nicht weiter darüber schreiben. Aber eines ist mir noch unklar.
Here's the source text where MM makes her appearance on the internet. The article quoted there does not even exist any more. So MM is quoted as an eye witness in an article, somebody picks her name and some random words (e.g. "panhandle") from that article and others and fills up the source code of a dozen or more web pages with it.
And for the two reasons that not everybody wants to live in the US (I personally prefer a lettuce field), and this is the attempt to be multilingual, it also needs to be multilegal. I mean, here's the link to
EFF's international resources. For German blogs some regulations exist which are discussed on law blog for instance. Although there seems to be a lot of confusion about which country's law applies, whether it depends on the author's nationality, the language, the intended or actual audience, the location of the server, the location of the computer you type it on. And reading that Saudi Arabia blocks blogger's blogs altogether, some other guidelines my come in handy - not so much what is legal, but how to protect yourself (from reporters sans frontières).
Oh, how happy can I be to have only a few readers per month and a less than decent google ranking.
So much to learn. But good it's there. Fellow-bloggers, take your time to peek into the EFF's page dedicated to blogging.
While I am looking at this I wonder whether I should wire up one of those old typewriters to use it as a keyboard. And a blonde wig I would need, too. To be a real bloggerette I mean. Then I could post videocasts while liberty waits.
When you google that name you will find a wealth of slightly dubious pages. All of them have that name in their source but it never appears on the screen. It is mixed with a lot of many other quite arbitrary words and every so often an actual keyword for the site is repeated. This is search engine optimisation and probably works in almost the same way as the strange clippings from poems and novels you may have noticed in SPAM emails - to dilute the density of keywords. In the case of SPAM the keywords shall be hidden altogether. Here they just shall be watered down to a concentration that correponds to a "serious" site which is not trying to increase its search ranking. Now by using a person's name the situation becomes a bit strange. Let's suppose a future employer of Magda's is checking here name in the internet. Couldn't she argue that her reputation is tarnished? I wouldn't like to read "s eats rabbit poo" all over the net. Whether it be true or not.
Mein Lieblingsspruch zur SMS-Kultur findet von nicht ganz überraschender Seite Bestätigung. thegirlwrites:
"[...] I will admit that I did – for a brief moment, with all his keenness of me – wonder if he and I could, or should, ever be more than fuck-buddies, but I realised I could never date a man who omitted the use of capitals and punctuation in his emails and texts, and who always used smiley-face emoticons at the end of his sentences. [...]"